jQuery Uptime Robot Monitor plugin

This plugin allows you to show off the servers uptimes monitored by Uptime Robot.

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Jquery Uptime Robot Plugin

The plugin uses UptimeRobot (http://uptimerobot.com/) API's to display the server statuses. It displays the current server status as UP or DOWN and has the capacity to display uptimes for a max 3 custom days range. The plugin supports both account API keys and Monitor specific API keys.


Plugin can be used in two modes of operation. Monitor mode, where monitor specific API keys are used and Account mode, where account API key is used. When in account mode, all the monitors in account are displayed row by row with number of rows configured during plugin invocation.


Make sure to include jquery script before proceeding. Include the plugin script in the head of the HTML page.

<script type="text/javascript" 

On document ready, call the plugin by providing the minimum configurations.

$( document ).ready(function() {
    var timerId = $("body").uptimeRobotMonitor(options);

Monitor specific API key Example:

$( document ).ready(function() {
var timerId = $("body").uptimeRobotMonitor({monitorConfs: [
        apiKey: "XXX",
        name: "Server 1 - OPTIONAL",
        color: "#5CB85C - OPTIONAL",
        apiKey: "XXX",
        name: "Server 2 - OPTIONAL",
        color: "#957EE6 - OPTIONAL"
        apiKey: "XXX",
        name: "Server 3 - OPTIONAL",
        color: "#E67EA8 - OPTIONAL",

Account API Key Example:

$( document ).ready(function() {
    var timerId = $("body").uptimeRobotMonitor({
        mainApiKey: 'XXX',          
        //numOfRows: 1, //Use this or numOfMonitorsPerRow
        numOfMonitorsPerRow: 3,
        monitorConfs: [{
            friendlyName: 'REAL NAME IN UPTIMEROBOT',
            name: 'DISPLAY NAME - OPTIONAL',
            color: '#E67EA8 - OPTIONAL'


Defaults in Monitor mode:

    monitorConfs: [{
        apiKey: "",
        name: "",
        color: "#5CB85C",
        unavailableColor: "#E68A00",
        backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5",
        percLabelColor: "#000000",                      
        customUptimeRatio: "1-7"
    color: "#000000",
    backgroundColor: "#F5F5F5",
    width: "640",
    height: "240",
    containerClass: "uptimeContainer",
    containerId: "uptimeContainer",
    font: "12px Arial",
    refresh: true,
    refreshInterval: 60     

Defaults in Account mode:

    monitorConfs: [{
        friendlyName: "",
        name: "",
        color: "#5CB85C",
        unavailableColor: "#E68A00",
        backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5",
        percLabelColor: "#000000",                      
    mainApiKey: "",
    numOfRows: 1,
    numOfMonitorsPerRow: 0,
    color: "#000000",
    backgroundColor: "#F5F5F5",
    width: "640",
    height: "240",
    containerClass: "uptimeContainer",
    containerId: "uptimeContainer",
    font: "12px Arial",
    refresh: true,
    refreshInterval: 60     

Return value

The plugin returns the timerId that can be used to cancel the interval set for refreshing server status. Use window.clearInterval(timerId) to stop data refresh dynamically.


Live in Action

The plugin can be seen live in action http://shreyaspurohit.github.io/jquery.plugin.uptimeRobotMonitor/static/servers.html and http://unlockalert.bitourea.com/server-status which uses the uptime monitors for my servers. The demo uses the Monitor mode.


In Account mode the account API key is used. This key allows one to add/delete and do more changes to the monitor. I would not suggest embedding this in any webpage where anyone can view source and find your key. The plugin supports this for ease of use with account with 30-50 monitors. It will be nice if we can have another key like account API key but with no destructive/modification powers that allows to query all the monitors in account.

Project Site

The project site is generated using the github pages and modified. It is hosted at http://shreyaspurohit.github.io/jquery.plugin.uptimeRobotMonitor/.


Released under MIT license, go ahead and use, modify, distribute as you wish, but do not forget to include the associated license too with it. The license is provided in LICENSE.txt. The license of other libraries used must be used as defined by them.